We all know how the local and national media are going to play it. Kerry's tan will look "weird" and Bush will be "unwavering" (or pick your own useless catch phrase)
Let's pre-empt the talking heads and newspaper stenographers and EMAIL or CALL the media TONIGHT or FIRST THING IN THE MORNING.
You can CLICK HERE and download ACT's fact sheet.
Or you can use these points:
It was Bush who:
- Totally ignored the Richard Clarke plan to take out al-Qaeda when he took office in January of 2001. That plan was devised by Clarke, on Clinton's orders, to systematically take down al-Qaeda with many action items that would decimate Osama's network. When Bush took office, he threw the plan away.
- Threw away the Hart-Rudman plan in February of 2001 to re-organize homeland security which would have gotten the CIA and FBI to talk to each other. Do you think that if the CIA and the FBI were talking to each other in the spring & summer of 2001, some red flags would've been raised about Middle-Eastern men taking flying lessons but not learning how to take-off and land? Oh yeah... red flags WERE RAISED!!!!
- Originally opposed the creation of the Homeland Security department and then embraced it after publicly pressured.
- Originally opposed the 9/11 commission, and then embraced it after publicly pressured.
- Froze like a deer-in-the-headlights for 7 minutes reading "My Pet Goat" after being informed that the nation was under attack.
- Went on vacation for the entire month of August amid a sea of warnings that Osama was preparing to attack IN the United States.
- Diverted the resources from apprehending Osama bin Laden, to a pre-emptive, discretionary war against a sovereign nation that was NOT a threat to our national security (although he lied repeatedly to make you believe Iraq WAS a threat).
- Isolated the United States from the international community by attacking Iraq against the recommendation of the United Nations and many allies.
- al-Qaeda has regrouped and is becoming stronger. The war in Iraq has united the radical Islamic community against the United States, and the allies Bush has alienated will not stand behind us.
- The level of world-wide terrorist activity has risen sharply in the past 3 1/2 years since 9/11.
- At a an important time in our history, the White House, the Pentagon, and the CIA are in an all-out war.
Some other points:
Bush's hometown paper endorsed Kerry.
Ambassador John Eisenhower endorsed Kerry.
10 Nobel prize winning economists endorsed Kerry.
12 retired generals and admirals endorsed Kerry.
Lee Iacocca switched from Bush to Kerry.
Conservative columnist Charley Reese endorsed Kerry.
Go get 'em! Kerry/Edwards 2004!