“It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into”

Jonathan Swift
"The Democrats have moved to the right, and the right has moved into a mental hospital." - Bill Maher
"The city is crowded my friends are away and I'm on my own
It's too hot to handle so I gotta get up and go

It's a cruel ... cruel summer"

Sunday, April 24, 2005

From the Endless Wonders Department

Wow. This has been a pretty good Saturday. Not quite on a par with John Dean testifying to the Senate Watergate Committee, but still, some unexpectedly positive developments.

The Denton Record Chronicle (that's Denton, folks, not Austin) editorialized Saturday about the House-passed amendment to prohibit gay foster parents. Here's a juicy quote: "[Rep. Robert]Talton [R-Pasadena] is one of those mindless ideologues who would let the state Capitol burn to the ground if he thought a gay dispatcher might have sent the fire truck. He has repeatedly parroted the discredited argument that homosexuality is "learned behavior" and a lifestyle "choice"; now he seeks to codify the calumny that they are not fit to be around children." Hoo-boy!

The Paris (Texas, not France) News reported that legislators are beginning to hear calls for a state income tax to fund education. The report noted that while the Lege is unlikely to undertake such a move by itself, the time may be approaching when they might allow the voters to decide. And the News cited an opinion poll from last year that asked the question, "Do you favor or oppose a statewide education flat tax on income dedicated to public education which is deductible from federal income taxes?" Results: 55% in favor, 38% opposed. What? You wanted a progressive income tax? Communist! It certainly is amusing to watch the R's wrestle with the fact that their ideological budget isn't compatible with books for school children.

Meanwhile, on the national front, the LA Times is threatening to grow some actual cojones and behave like a real newspaper. In addition to a new editorial direction under editorial page editor Michael Kinsley, they have been doing some fine investigative work lately, including this piece that might put the nail in the coffin of Bush nominee for U.N. ambassador, John Bolton.

No, it isn't all sweetness and light. Happy days have yet to return. But days like this can make your step a little lighter. Make you want to find a way to nudge the process a little faster. Makes me proud to stand up, speak up and do all that one person can.