“It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into”

Jonathan Swift
"The Democrats have moved to the right, and the right has moved into a mental hospital." - Bill Maher
"The city is crowded my friends are away and I'm on my own
It's too hot to handle so I gotta get up and go

It's a cruel ... cruel summer"

Friday, March 25, 2005

Van Camp is an Idiot: Part 571 of an Unending Series

Gawd make it stop.

Having Virgil Van Camp write a column about social security with the obligatory mention of his son in germany (and that country's commie ways according to VVC) is like that episode of "The Simpsons" where Homer has a company party at the house, gets tanked, and picks a fight with an anonymous employee about an imaginary injustice.

Only without the entertainment aspect. . .

or the cops. . .

Sheesh, does Virgil Van Racist Sexist Pig Camp even READ the agn? Like maybe this CLICK HERE? John Early BROKE IT DOWN for Virgil and the theocons.

Real easy 'like.

But friends, it is not about commenting about facts and opining an opposite line of reasoning for wingnuts like Van Camp. No Sireee . . .

It is about throwing up one straw man after another and then knocking them down to show what an average everyman you are, and to leave us wondering "what the hell was his point?!?"

Things like;
"Democrats have staked out their position - the present system doesn't need fixing. Tinker with what we have and raise payroll taxes on higher income brackets. Whatever you do, don't rile AARP. " (WHOA! The AARP? Didn' they back Shrub's national medicaid fraud in 2004? CLICK HERE)


"Here at home, we also are experiencing increasing population due to unrestricted immigration. These new citizens tend to be poorly paid. Will they feel any sense of obligation to our government's Social Security problems? (Darn those brown people! Getting work and paying . . . FICA . . . and . . . Darn those brown people!)


"There never was a trust fund in the same sense bankers employ. Bring the loot in the front door; employ an army of bureaucrats to make the necessary bookkeeping entries; then out the back door for Congress to spend. " (Yeah Virgil, and just WHO ARE these people in Republican controlled congress spending this $$? Republicans maybe?)


It is the ideologically owned uninformed turkeys like VVC that make it tough for the Democratic message to get out. Why? WE HAVE TO SPEND AN INORDINATE AMOUNT OF TIME BUSTING THEIR LIES AND MISINFORMATION.

Please join me in writing the AGN and tell them to stick to the facts on Shrub's social security scheme. Write to john.kanelis@amarillo.com

Need the facts? CLICK HERE and print out.

Email us your letters panhandletruthsquad@yahoo.com and we will post 'em anonymously for ya.

-Prodigal Son