So how do the Repubs respond to a national convention that showcases a new politics of hope, help and unity?
With fear, of course. On Sunday, soon-to-be-outgoing Homeland Security Chief Tom Ridge upped the stakes to "Orange", restricting Manhatten traffic, forcing police in NY, Wash, and NJ to ramp up security, and keeping old ladies in Newark glued to Fox News.
As Kerry widens the gap in many polls riding a post-convention bump, the message from the Bushistas is clear: "Don't you softies dare forget we're in a war right now."
The only problem with the latest whirl of the public safety color wheel —- IT'S BASED ON INFORMATION THAT'S OVER THREE YEARS OLD. That's straight from Ridge's mouth. Link.
Hmmm. Three years—-that's like, August 2001. Okay...targeting financial centers in NY and Washington. Again, sounds familiar.
Not to make too huge a leap in logic, but is this intel that could've prevented 9/11???
And is Ridge now admitting they've had it for over three years??
And now are they using that same intel for political gain?? To muddle the perspective of a nation that's trying to sort out, post-convention, what regime change at home would mean??
Either I'm uber-paranoid, or these guys are getting predictable. Whatta y'all think??
DustBowl Dem