Truth seekers,
There are some new astroturf letters being printed around the country and they have made it into 60 different papers. Despicable. . .
Being proactive, we sent this email to the editors of the AGN and Lubbock AJ this AM. Keep your eyes peeled for astroturf in your local paper.
Dear Editor,
We wanted to take a moment to make you aware of the latest astroturf (Form letter templates disguised as grass-roots) being pawned off as legit LTE around the country.
For instance, 60 newspapers recently PRINTED LTE's using the same language and were all attributed as if they were genuine and individually written.
Please CLICK HERE to see the latest catchphrases being used (Right-hand side) so that your fine paper won't be snookered. A quick google search can stop this in it's tracks!
Thanks ahead of time for your vigilance,
PS: FUN WITH REPUBS! Why not have some fun today and use the Rethug-paid-for site to send YOUR OWN LTE to a bunch of papers at one time. Be original! (Heh, Heh) CLICK HERE