Some responses to various comments:
I have the balls to say it But as you have pointed out todays controlled media doesn't allow it. Not to mention that I would probably lose my job. So you have your wish as far as not being allowed to express in public the truth. -- CelticTexan
Do you ever read The Amarillo Globe-Republican? They print racist tripe all the time. Virgil Van Camp is what you might call a PTS favorite, but there are others to choose from. Granted, you'll have to clean your filth up a little bit, but I'm sure you could get a letter in.
"Why do you care if this guy is a racist or not?" -- bodacious
Because we are liberals and liberalism is an inclusive ideology. Because, sadly, there is nothing unique about him. I'll wager that the number of people in this town who think like he does number at least in the thousands, probably in the tens of thousands. People who think, "I don't hate minorities, I just don't want to be around them...or hire them...or have them in my community...or my neighborhood...or my school...or my church...or my government, etc." You can bet that a number of these people are part of the Amarillo Good Ol' BoysTM and have a lot of power and influence. Want to know why there is a lawsuit brewing over single-member districts in Amarillo? Take a good look at CelticTexan and you'll have your answer.
"I always find it hislarious that the people who say they embrace tolerance and understanding the most have seemingly no tolerance for those they disagree with." - bodacious
Don't mistake dog-piling on some racist ass for the same type of intolerance that leaves people beaten and left for dead on the side of the road. We aren't depriving him of anything.
Once again, I find Bodacious to be the voice of reason around here. -- CuriousTexan
Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha. Bodacious may come across level-headed on this particular issue, but surely if I were to bring up the war in Iraq, or anything related to the military for that matter, the accusations of traitor and terrorist sympathizer would undoubtedly fly from his mouth just as they did when he first started commenting here. He's as hot-headed as anyone else. "Voice of reason", puh-leeease.
That being said, re: 2. above, I only have one question: What if you unwittingly made plans to take your kids to Orlando the first weekend in June. How could you avoid this? (Check out the Gallery, especially the last few photos) : -- CuriousTexan
What if I unwittingly answer my front door only to find some far-right fundamentalist idiot who's just itching to "cram" his particular take on god down my throat? There's offensive stuff every where - billboards, radio, television, the Internet. Have a good look at the magazines next time you are standing in line at the grocery store. "10 Things That Will Drive Your Man Wild In Bed" It's only a matter of time before I have to start explaining stuff like that to my kids and I'm not looking forward to it. It's annoying as hell, but that's life in an open society like ours. You suck it up and you deal with it. As far as Disney is concerned, are they, and other area businesses, supposed to put up "gay alerts?" I would sarcastically pre-empt your answer with "How about nigger alerts?", but obviously there are some among you who actually would appreciate that.
Here is anouther example of the lack of moral restraint that plauges liberal's. -- CelticTexan
Spare me your bullshit about "liberal immorality." Do you even live here in Amarillo? If so take a good look at the town around you. Do you think Amarillo's tiny liberal population is capable of keeping all the strip clubs, bars, pornography retailers and liquor stores in business? Only liberals go to Las Vegas? Only liberals flash their boobs at Mardis Gras? Only liberals have premarital sex? Only liberals get knocked up? Only liberals walk through the door at Planned Parenthood? Only liberal women find themselves wondering if they should terminate a pregnancy? Please don't tell me you're so hopelessly naive that you believe that.
A couple of other points... If my fellow PTS'ers want to agree with me that's fine, but I speak only for myself.
1. I have no mindless loyalty to the Democratic party. 2004 was the first election when I actually chose a side. So if I take the
2. It's Friday ya bastards:
