“It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into”

Jonathan Swift
"The Democrats have moved to the right, and the right has moved into a mental hospital." - Bill Maher
"The city is crowded my friends are away and I'm on my own
It's too hot to handle so I gotta get up and go

It's a cruel ... cruel summer"

Thursday, February 17, 2005

What Liberal Academia? Social Insecurity

A two-fer today.
One of the latest (yawn) crusades of the right is that our universities are FILLED with professors who are liberal.

These professors supposedly push their liberal agenda on helpless conservative students who have no choice but to be indoctrinated.

Personally, I think the whining is because conservatives cannot tolerate differences in general, hence the constant complaining about nonexistent liberal media bias for example. My personal fav is thy cry that those liberals are just big meanies in Washington DC. (The R's control all three branches.) sigh.

I don't buy it at all. In fact in today's AGN, a guest editorial by AN ECONOMICS PROFESSOR AT WTAMU spews RNC talking points starting with the headline "Social Security: Shall we repair it or trade it in?" CLICK HERE Why do we have to do either?

How dishonest is this column from AN ECONOMICS PROFESSOR AT WTAMU? How about this gem "Some adjustments eventually will have to be made to keep SS financially viable for future generations. " Really? Where did he get this info?

Or this one " There would have to be some kind of insurance umbrella to cover people whose funds somehow perform poorly or go belly-up."

What the hell does Professor Lewer think Social Security is? It is an INSURANCE program we pay into so that if all goes belly-up, we have a minimum living standard for the elderly and disabled.
Without quoting sources, without providing back up info, we do not know where he gets his data. But curiously, he states stuff right out of the RNC playbook.

-A $10 trillion cost figure (calculated cost to infinity. no kidding, infinity)

-A "fully funded" retirement system, in which people accumulate their own savings to be invested and drawn down after retirement, appears to be immune to changes in demographics.
(But you are not protected from a market crash or depression.)
Good readers, do the math yourself, and find out how bad you would be screwed by Bush's supposed "plan". But remember he has not presented one a complete one yet. CLICK HERE

Name: Joshua J. Lewer
Title: Assistant Professor
Phone: 806-651-2508
Email: jlewer@mail.wtamu.edu

-Prodigal Son