This morning the Amarillo Globe-Republican reported that the Don Harrington Discovery Center's Discover! fundraiser which has been so much fun and so good for the community for many years has been canceled. Here's Jim Crawford's story, pretty much:
Concerns about the safety of the center's neighbors for the huge fireworks extravaganza forced the decision to cancel, said Beth Robinson, last year's chair of the event.Here's some questions Crawford didn't bother to ask:
- Channel 4 (KAMR) interviewed representives of the "center's neighbors" for their story. The medical community representives said that no one had complained or expressed any concern about the fireworks. Additionally, it has been expressed that long-term nursing home residents enjoyed the fireworks as it helped them to feel like a part of the community. Was this a unilateral decision?
- Spacedark, writer for Panhandle Truth Squad, recently attended several public events during a single week in Omaha, Nebraska. These included a jazz organist's performance on the lawn in front of the Joslin Art Museum, and a Shakespeare on the Green performance of Othello at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. None of these productions involved fireworks, but they were all very well-attended. Were other alternatives considered?
- Discover! hires some of the preeminent fireworks professionals in the country to produce these events. What were their thoughts on the possibility of conducting a safe show?
- What's the real story?