“It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into”

Jonathan Swift
"The Democrats have moved to the right, and the right has moved into a mental hospital." - Bill Maher
"The city is crowded my friends are away and I'm on my own
It's too hot to handle so I gotta get up and go

It's a cruel ... cruel summer"

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Give It Up!

One more time in the Sunday Amarillo Globe-News one of the Right Wingers (on the left side of the editorial pages - why is that?), Kathleen Parker, is hammering on Bill Clinton for - of all things - for being too popular, too famous and too smart. Everything negative that happens in our country (or the world for that matter!), according to the conservative nay-sayers can be blamed on the Clinton presidency. The Iraqi war, the break-down in the economy, the deficit and on and on. Does the right wing never do anything wrong? GIVE ME A BREAK!

The Liberalator